
Brand Attributes: Bottle/Packaging


Orangina’s bottles are really differentiating. According to each flavours, the juice and the packaging change. Even if the logo on the label remains the same, it is embellished with a hat to look alike a character. For example, the Orangina Rouge has devil's tail and horns and the Orangina Indian is wearing a feather headdress. Each bottle is really customized and unique!

But what is really important about Orangina’s packaging is the famous 25cl glass bottle!

According to Jean-Claude Breton, its creator, « this bubbly bottle is the best French drink ever since the end of the war ». Even if it was difficult to sell it (the barmen did not want it because the shape did not fit the fridge size), this bubbly bottle became rapidly successful and more than 1 billion is now sold all over the world.

This iconic bubbly bottle is really the brand ambassador. With the shape and the grainy texture of an orange, this innovative bottle makes Orangina easily recognizable around the world.

And since the pulp is at the bottom of the bottle, Orangina created a new way of drinking : shake the bottle to mix the fruit inside!


We can find a lot of different flavors. Each bottle uses the brand’s logo and decline it according the different tastes (yellow for lemon or red for strawberry/kiwi for example). The bottle is finer at the top to make easier for the customers to grab and hold it.

Fanta is also available in cans and the new look of Fanta fits right in the soda market. It’s colorful, funny; there is more space to draw, and the mouth on the backgrounds capture the attention. It’s definitely more varied, more cohesive and more evident about what the brand is selling. In other words, this can is really " fantastich " !

By Bloody Orange


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